
Piles - BavaSira

Onset of high fever accompanied by shivering, vertigo, lethargy, limping, loss of sleep, delirium, delusion and fainting; on 2nd or 3rd day tender enlargement of lymph glands appear in inguinal, axillary or other regions depending upon the site of flea bite; the glands enlarge rapidly and have intense pain; these are the main signs and symptoms of Granthika Jvara. Three common forms of this disease are as follows:

1. Bubonic Plague: it is the commonest variety and glandular swelling is marked.

2. Fulminant Plague: This form of the disease is characterized by high fever, slight glandular enlargement, vomiting of blood and death within few hours.

3. Pneumonic Plague: in this variety of the diseases no glandular enlargement occurs but there is intense prostration and death occurs after 3 to 5 days.

This disease is of an epidemic nature calling for specialized attention.

Simple Preparations

1. Decoction of bark of Sirisa 14 to 28 ml., to be taken three times a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Nimbadi Cura: 2 to 4 g., to be taken with warm water three times a day.

External Applications

A. Lepa (plaster) for inflammed glands.

1. Lepa prepared from equal part of Guggulu, bark of Sigru (horse-radish) and whole plant of Punarnava (pigweed) in Gomutra (cows urine).

2. Lepa prepared from equal part of barks of Madhuka, Jambu (jamun) and Arjuna and Vetasa Suga (cane shoot).

3. Lepa of equal part of rhizome of Kauki, stem of Guuci, roots of Bharangi and Musali, barks of Syonaka and Bilva (bael), Agaru (eaglewood) and leaf of Paola (a variety of small cucumber) prepared with 1/8 part of Gorocana.

4. Lepa of equal part of bark of Vikankata, fruit ofAragvadha (cassia), roots of Guja (wild licquorice), Sveta Guja (white wild licquorice) and Bharangi, Karaja (indian beech tree), fruit of ingudi (zacchum oil plant) and Kautumbi-prepared in water.

5. Lepa of equal part of Svarjika- Ksara, Mulaka Bhasma and Sambuka Bhasma in water.