
Quartan fever - Cautha

Symptoms Oozing of yellowish discharge from the site of rat bite, pallor, appearance of erythematous patches with burning sensation, discolouration, horripilation, headache, vomiting, excessive salivation and fever arc the symptoms caused by the rat bite.

Following preparation may be used for emesis

1. Powder of seed of Simbi (broad bean), fruit of Kautumbi (bitter gourd), seed of Madanphala (emetic nut), fruit of Devadali (bristly luffa) -5 to 10 g. to be taken with 50 g. curd.

Simple Preparations

1. Powder of fruit, Ksara and bark of Sirisa-3 to 6 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey two times in a day.

2. Powder of equal part of Tvak (cinnamon bark) and Suhi (dried ginger)- 3 to 6 g. to be taken with water twice a day.

3. Powder of equal part of indrayava (kurchi seed), wood of Devadaru (deodar), rhizome of Tagara (valerian), fruit of Kautumbi (bitter luffa)-3 to 6 g. to be taken with water.

4. Ghrta Siddha with root of Sariva (indian sarsaparilla)-12 to 24 g. to be taken with water twice a day.

5. Ghrta Siddha with the decoction of equal part of leaf flower, root and bark of Kapittha (wood apple) to be taken in 12 to 24 g. dose with warm water twice a day.

6. Kalka (paste) of equal part of Sirisa, ingudi (zachum oil seed) in water to be taken in 6 to 12 g. dose with honey twice a day.