
Urimary disorders leading to diabetes mellitus - Prameha

Raised itchy bumps, either red or skin-colored
Blanching (when pressed, the center of a red hive turns white)

Single Drugs

1. Powdered leaf of Nimba (neem)-1 to 3 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

2. Puraa Gua (old jaggery)- 6 to 12 g. to be taken with juice ofArdraka (ginger)-7 to 14 ml. twice a day.

3. Powdered fruit rind ofAmalaki (embelic myrobalan)-1 to 3 g. to be taken with 5 to 10 g. ghee twice a day.

Simple Preparations

1. Suddha Svara Gairika (ochre)-1 to 2 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

2. Triphala Kvatha-14 to 28 ml. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

3. Decoction of equal part of stem of Guuci, and leaf of Paola (a variety of small cucumber-snake gourd)-14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

4. Decoction of equal part of stem of Guuci, rhizome of Haridra (turmeric), bark of Nimba (neem)-14 to 28 ml. to be taken with honey twice a day.

5. Trikau Cura 1 to 2 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day along with massage of Sarsapa Taila (mustard oil).

Compound Preparations

1. Haridra Khaa: 3 to 6 g. to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

2. SutaSekhara Rasa: 60 to 250 mg. to taken with juice ofArdraka (ginger)-5 ml. twice a day.

External Applications

1. Guucyadi Taila for massage.


Old Sali variety of rice, Mudga (Phaseolus bean), soup of Kulattha (dolichos bean); fruits of Karavellaka (bitter gourd) and Sigru (horse radish); leaf of Upodika (indian spinach), Vetasa Suga (cane shoot), Suska Mulaka (dried radish); curd and honey are the useful articles of diet for the patients of Sitapitta.


Madhura and Amla Rasa, Guru Dravya; fresh Gua (jaggery); freshly prepared Madya (wine); Matsya (fish) and day sleep are harmful for the patients of Sitapitta.