
Haemorrhoid - BavaSira

Symptoms The bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi causes the chancroid infection. ... The ulcer may bleed or produce a contagious fluid that can spread bacteria during oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse

Single Drugs

1. Powdered root of Dvipantara Vaca (china root) 1 g., to be taken with honey in sufficient quantity to make a paste.

Simple Preparations

1. Decoction prepared from equal part of leaf of paola (a variety of small cucumber), bark of Nimba (neem), Triphala and stem of Guuci is to be taken in 14 to 28 ml. dose twice a day.

2. Decoction prepared from the equal part of bark of Khadira (khair tree), wood of Bijaka (indian kino tree) is to be taken in 14 to 28 ml. dose with 1 g. Suddha Guggulu and 2 g. powder of Triphala, twice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Sarivadi Vai: 2 to 4 Vai, to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

2. Copacinyadi Guggulu: 0.5 to 1 g., to be taken with sufficient quantity of honey or ghee to make a paste two or three times a day.

3. KaiSora Guggulu: 2 to 4 Vai, to be taken with water twice a day.

4. Dvipantara-Vaca-Mula Paka: 12 to 24 g., to be taken with milk twice a day.

5. Khadirarisa: 14 to 28 ml., to be taken with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal.

6. Majishadyarisa: 14 to 28 ml., to be taken with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal.

Local Applications

1. Dust the fine powder of the leaf of Babbula (babula) or of epicarp of Daima (pomegranate) or Bhasma of Kapalasthi (human skull calcined powder) on the eruption or ulcer.

2. Wash the ulcer with fresh juice obtained from whole plant of Bhrngaraja or decoction of Triphala or decoction of leaf of Jayanti or Jati (mace) or Karavira (oleander) orAragvadha (cassia).

3. Make decoction from the equal part of woods of Padmaka (wild cherry), Sarala (pine), Devadaru (deodar) and Aguru (eagle-wood), roots of Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza) and Kusha (koot), seed of Daima (pomegranate), root of Rasna (indian ground Scl) and Brhad Ela (large cardamom). it may be used as douche or wash followed by a Lepa (plaster) made from the same drugs.

4. Apply any of the following Lepa while hot on the affected part:

(i). A Lepa (plaster) prepared from the equal part of Rasajana and bark or Sirisa by adding honey in sufficient quantity to make a paste.

(ii). A Lepa prepared from Rasajana and fruit rind of Haritaki (chebulic myrobalan) in sufficient quantity of honey to make a paste.

(iii). A Lepa prepared from root of Karavira (oleander) and fruit of Puga (areca nut) in the decoction of sufficient quantity of Triphala to make a paste.

(iv). A Lepa prepared from the bark of Nimba (neem), seed of Eraa (castor), Godhuma (wheat) and Saktu in sufficient quantity of ghee to make a paste.