
infantile fever - Baccon Ka Bukhara

Vraa has three stages viz.Ama, Pacyamana and Pakva. inAma stage there is swelling, tenderness and low fever. in Pacyamana stage there is a change in the colour of the skin, stabbing or throbbing pain, intense burning with fever and accumulation of pus. in the Pakva stage pain is comparatively less, and shrinking of the skin over the boil and bursting occur.

Compound Preparations

1. Triphala Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken with Suddha Guggulu 2 to 4 g. twice a day.

2. Saptanga Guggulu: 1 to 2 Vai to be taken with warm water twice a day.

External Applications

1. Poultice of Saktu with Taila (oil) or ghee or both.

2. Hot Lepa (plaster) of fruit rind of Haritaki (chebulic myrobalan).

3. Hot Lepa (plaster) of root and bark of Sakhoaka in Kaji and ghee.

4. Lepa (plaster) of leaf of Tuda (mulberry) or root of Sariva (indian sarsaparilla) in warm water.

5. Lepa (plaster) of' seed of Atasi (linseed) in milk.

6. Lepa (plaster) of ghee and root of Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza).

7. Lepa (plaster) of Tukhmalanga or of pure lime in water or of Taula (rice) mixed in ghee.

8. Hot Lepa (plaster) of equal part of powder of Tila (sesame), Atasi (linseed), root of Kusha (koot), Saindhava (rock salt) and Saktu and Kiva.

9. Hot Lepa (plaster) of Godhuma (wheat flour), decorticated seed of Eraa (castor) mixed with ghee and boiled in milk.

10. Hot Lepa (plaster) of root of Bijapura (lemon), Suhi (dried ginger), wood of Devadaru (deodar), Kaakari, Agnimantha, and root of Rasna in water.

11. Hot Lepa (plaster) of fruit of Pippali (long pepper), Piyaka (oilghany of linsced), bark of Sigru (horse radish), fruit rind of Haritaki (chebulic myrobalan) and Baluka (sand) in water.

12. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of powdered seeds of Masa (black phaseolus bean), Godhuma (wheat) and Yava (barley) in water.

13. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of fried Atasi (linseed) and Tila (sesame seed) in milk.

14. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of Kalka of Tila (sesame seed), Saindhava (rocksalt), rhizome of Haridra (turmeric), root of Daruharidra (barberry), root bark of Trivrt (turpeth) and leaf of Nimba (neem) in ghee.

15. Lepa (plaster) of equal part or flower or Vartaka (brinjal) with Marica (black pepper).

16. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of leaf of Nimba (neem) with Tila taila (gingelly oil).

17. Lepa (plaster) or equal part of Krsa Tila (black sesame seed), Saindhava (rock salt), root of Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza), stem of Daruharidra (barberry) and root of Trivrt (turpeth) in ghee.

18. Lepa (plaster) of Jatyadi Ghrta or Jatyadi Taila or DaSanga Lepa or Atasyadi Lepa or Pacagua Taila for external application.

19. Wash the abscess with the decoction of leaf of Paola or DaSamula Kvatha.

Ropana Dravya (Healing drugs)

1. Lepa (plaster) of Karpura (camphor) in cow's ghee.

2. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of Kalka of Tila (sesame seed) and powdered root of Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza) in ghee.

3. Varti prepared from the Kalka of equal part of leaf of Nimba (neem), honey, stem of Daruharidra (barberry), root of Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza), Sveta Jiraka and Rala (oleo-resin of Saia) in ghee to be used for external applications.

4. Nimba Taila (neem oil) for external application.

5. The swelling should be fomented for subsiding the boil. if it persists, poultice and Upanaha should be applied. Thereafter, the boil may be pressed or incised, cleaned with the Kvatha and medicine applied for healing.


Madhura, Tikta and Kasaya Rasa; Usa and Snigdha Dravya; old Sali and sasti varieties of rice, Yava (barley), Godhuma (wheat), Lajamaa (pop of paddy), seeds of Masura (lentil),Ahaki (pigeon pea), Mudga (phaseolus bean) and Tila (sesame); Vartaka (brinjal), Karkai, (a variety of small cucumber), fruits of Paola and Karavellaka (bitter gourd); leaf of Nimba (neem); Mulaka (radish), leaves of Vastuka (a variety of chenopodium) and Jivanti; Kadali (banana), fruit of Daima (pomegranate), Draksa (raisin or grape fruit), Sarsapa Taila (mustard oil), ghee, honey and Saindhava (rocksalt) are the useful articles of diet for the patients of Vraa Sotha.


Amla, Lavaa and Kau Rasa; Simbi (legumes); Navina Anna (freshly harvested grain), Satina (pea bean), seeds of Masa (black phaseolus bean) and Kulattha (dolichos bean); Patra Saka (leafy vegetables), Vilepi; milk products, curd, sugarcane products, wines, Tambula (betel leaf) incompatible food are harmful for the patient of Vraa Sotha. Excessive long walks, sedantary habits, exposure to sun and wind, anger, excessive joy, fright, talking in high pitch, Nasya and Vamana should be avoided.