
internal abscess - Andaruni/abhyantara Phoa

intense colic pain which increases after taking food, anorexia, salivation, nausea, vomiting, retention of gases, rumbling noises in the abdomen, constipation, pain in the body are the main signs and symptoms ofAmaja Sula.

Single Drugs

1. Juice of Bijapura (lemon)-7 to 14 ml. to be taken with Yavaksara-1 g. twice a day.

Simple Preparations

1. Powder of equal part of Saindhava (rock-salt), Krsa Lavaa, Via Lavaa, Pacakola, Hingu (asafoetida) fried in ghee to be taken in 12 g. dose with warm water twice a day.

2. DaSamula Kvatha -14 to 28 ml. to be taken with Saindhava (rock salt)-1 g., Yavaksara-1 g. twice a day.

3. Decoction of bark of Sigru (horse radish)-14 to 28 ml. to be taken with fried Hingu (asafoetida)-1 g. and Yavaksara-1 g. twice a day.

4. Yavagu Siddha with decoction of equal part of fruit and root of Pippali (long pepper), root of Citraka (leadwort), Cavya, Suhi (dried ginger) to be taken in 250 g. dose twice a day.

5. Hingu (asafoetida) fried in ghee to be taken in 1 g. dose with Gua (jageery) twice a day.

6. Narikela Ksara-1 g. to be taken with water thrice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Hingvasaka Cura: 1 to 3 g. to be taken with warm water thrice a day.

2. Sivaksara Pacana Cura: 1 to 3 g. to be taken with warm water thrice a day.

3. Citrakadi Vai: 1 to 2 Vai to be taken with warm water thrice a day.

4. Lasunadi Vai: 1 to 2 Vai to be taken with warm water thrice a day.