
Malabsorption syndrome - ApavaSosaa

Abrupt high fever, sneezing, redness of conjunctiva, dry cough, loss of appetite are the initial symptoms. On the third or fourth day minute reddish elevated eruptions appear first behind the ears, temples and neck, and within a few hours whole face is involved and then whole body is affected. There is tendency of pimples to coalesce. Within 4 or 5 days of its appearance the rashes completely disappear.

For doses of children according to their age consult table of doses for children (Table 3).

Single Drugs

1. Fruit juice of Karavellaka (bitter gourd) 5 to 10 ml. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey thrice a day.

Simple Preparations

1. Sponge of seed of Methika (fenugreek) boiled in water is useful in cutting short the eruptive state.

2. Kajjali 30 to 60 mg. to be taken with fruit juice of Karavellaka 5 to 10 ml., twice a day.

3. Decoction of leaf of Tuuliyaka (a variety of amaranth) 5 to 15 ml. to be taken with 1 g. powder of equal part of fruit of Paola (a small variety of cucumber-snake gourd), rhizome of Haridra (turmeric), and ofAmalaki (embelic myrobalan), twice a day.

4. Decoction of equal part of Khadira (khair), Triphala, leaf of Nimba (neem), whole plant of Paola (a variety of small cucumber-snake gourd), stem of Guuci and leaf of Vasa (vasaka) 5 to 15 ml. to be taken twice a day.

5. Decoction of Krsa Jiraka (caraway) 5 to 10 ml. to be taken with powdered rhizome of Haridra (turmeric) 250 mg. to 1 g. thrice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Karpuradi Cura: 250 mg. to 1 g. to be taken with honey thrice a day.

2. Khadirasaka Kvatha: 5 to 15 ml. to be taken twice a day.

3. Parpaadi Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

4. Laksmi-Vilasa Rasa: 60 to 120 mg. to be taken with honey twice a day.

5. Mrtujaya Rasa: 60 to 120 mg. to be taken with honey twice a day.

Pathya and Apathya

As for Masurika.