
Neurasthenia - Dhatu Ka Roga

The patient of Medo-Vrddhi suffers from much sweating, hunger and thirst, emits bad smell, feels weakness and difficulty in sexual intercourse and movement. The disease may lead to many complications e.g. diabetes, heart disease, hemiplegia and arthritis.

Single Drugs

1. Honey 12 to 24 g. mixed in 100 to 200 ml. warm water to be taken thrice a day.

2. Powdered seed of Vianga 1 to 3 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

3. Suddha Guggulu 1 to 2 g., three times a day with warm water.

Simple Preparations

1. Powder of equal part of seeds of Vianga and Yava (barley), Suhi (dried ginger), Yavaksara, Loha Bhasma, fruit rind ofAmalaki (chebulic myrobalan) 1 to 3 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

2. Powder of equal part of Cavya, fruit of Jiraka (cumin), Trikau, Bhrsa Hingu (asafoetida), root of Citraka (leawort), Krsa Lavaa 1 to 3 g. to be taken with 100 to 250 ml. of curd water and 50 to 100 g. Saktu twice a day.

3. Powder of 2 part each of Trikau, root of Citraka (leadwort), Triphala Mustaka (motha) and Vianga mixed with 1 part of Suddha Guggulu (bdellium) to be taken in 3 to 6 g. dose with 1 to 2 g. honey twice a day.

4. Ksara prepared from leaf of Eraa (castor) 4 to 5 g. and Hingu (asafoetida) fried in ghee 1 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

5. Control appetite by gradually reducing the diet. in case obesity is not due to over eating or if complications occur, then a specialist should be consulted.

Compound Preparations

1. Amrtadi Guggulu: 1 to 3 g. to be taken with 100 ml. warm water twice a day.

2. Triphala Guggulu: 1 to 2 g. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

3. Navaka Guggulu: 1 to 2 g. to be taken thrice a day with warm water.


Puraa Sali (old rice), Mudga (dolichos bean), Yava (barley), Masura (lentil),Ahaki (pigeon pea); Bhrsa Vartaka (fried brinjal); Takra (butter milk) and walking are useful for the patient of Medo-Vrddhi.


Navina Sali Dhanya (all types of freshly harvested rice), Godhuma (wheat), Masa (black phaseolus bean); milk and its products, sugar products, cold bath are harmful for the patient of Medo-Vrddhi.