
Oedema - Sujana

Most often, bacterial orchitis is the result of epididymitis. Epididymitis usually is caused by an infection of the urethra or bladder that spreads to the epididymis.

Often, the cause of the infection is an STI. Other causes of infection may be related to having been born with abnormalities in your urinary tract or having had a catheter or medical instruments inserted into your penis.

Simple Preparations

1. Suddha Guggulu-2 to 4 g. to be taken with Gomutra (cow's urine)-7 to 14 ml. twice a day.

2. DaSamula Kvatha -14 to 28 ml. to be taken with Eraa Taila (castor oil)- 7 to 14 ml. once a day.

3.Decoction of Triphala-14to 28 ml. to be taken with Gomutra (cows urine)- 7 to 14 ml. twice a day.

4. Haritaki boiled in Gomutra (cow's urine)-1 to 3 g. and Eraa Taila (castor oil)-7 to 14 ml. to be taken with Saindhava (rock-salt)-1 g. twice a day.

5. Kalka of fruit rind of Haritaki (chebulic myrobalan)-6 to 12 g. fried in Eraa Taila (castor oil)-7 to 14 ml. to be taken with powdered fruit of Pippali (long pepper)- 1 g. and Saindhava (rock-salt)-1 g. twice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Rasnadi Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken thrice a day.

External Applications

1. Lepa (plaster) of qual part of powder of bark of Sigru (horse radish) and seed of Sarsapa (mustard) to be applied on the scrotum.

2. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of rhizome of Vaca (sweet flag) and seed of Sarsapa (mustard) in water to be applied on the scrotum.

3. Lepa of equal part of barks of the drugs of Pacavalkala group in ghee to be applied on the scrotum.

4. Poultice of DaSanga Lepa to be applied on the scrotum for orchitis.

5. Udumbara-Ksara- 3 to 6 g. mixed with leaf juice of Sambhalu to be applied on the scrotum.


As for Sotha.


Snigdha Dravya, Masa (black phaseolus bean), Upodika Saka, curd and milk are harmful for the patient of Vrsaa Vrddhi and Sotha. Riding, exercise, touring, fasting, sexual intercourse, suppression of calls of nature and sitting posture should be avoided.