
Retention of urine - PeSaba Ka NaAna

Pain and inflammation of one or more joints particularly of hand, foot, tarsals, knee, thigh and sacrum; scorpion bite like pain in the affected joints, loss of appetite, indigestion; fever, vague pain in different parts of the body, feeling of heaviness in the body, lack of initiative, disturbance in sleep habit, stiffness in heart area, constipation are the signs and symptoms ofAmavata. The disease ultimately leads to the disability.

Single Drugs

1. Powder of Suhi (dried ginger) 2 g., to be taken with 50 ml. warm water twice a day.

2. 12 to 24 g. leaf ofAragvadha (cassia) fried in ghee or Sarsapa Taila (mustard oil), to be taken twice a day.

Simple Preparations

1. Decoction of equal part of Suhi (dried ginger) and stem of Guuci 14 to 28 ml. is to be taken with 6 g. powder of fruit rind of Haritaki (chebulic myrobalan) twice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Ajmodadi Cura: 1 to 3 g., to be taken with 50 ml. warm water twice a day.

2. VaiSvanara Cura: 3 to 6 g. is to be taken with 50 ml. warm water twice a day.

3. Guucyadi Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml., to be taken twice a day.

4. Maha-Rasnadi Kvatha: 28 to 56 ml., to be taken before meal twice a day.

5. Rasna-DaSamula Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml., to be taken with Eraa Taila (castor oil) 7 to 14 ml. once a day early in the morning.

6. Rasnadi Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml., to be taken twice a day.

7. Hingulesvara Rasa: 1 to 2 pills, to be taken with 50 ml. warm water twice a day.

8. Maha Yogaraja Guggulu: 1 to 2 pills, to be taken with 50 ml. warm water thrice a day.

9. Yogaraja Guggulu: 1 to 2 pills, to be taken with 50 ml. warm water thrice a day.

10. Sihanada Guggulu: 1 to 2 pills, to be taken with 50 ml. warm water thrice a day.

11. Visatinduka Vai: 1 to 2 pills, to be taken with 50 ml. warm water twice a day.

12. Eraa Paka: 12 to 24 g., to be taken with 50 ml. warm water once a day.

Local Applications

Following local applications are useful for relieving the pain and inflammation.

1. Fomentation of the affected joint with Baluka Poalika (sand bag).

2. Fomentation of the joint with luke warm decoction of root of Eraa (castor) twice a day.

3. Hot Lepa (poultice) prepared from the seed of Masa (black phaseolus) 250 g., leaves of Rasna 125 g. and Gandhaprasarai 125 g., root of Eraa (castor) 125 g. and Atibala 125 g. is to be applied on the affected part.

4. Take flour of Godhuma (wheat) and powdered seed of Eraa (castor) in equal parts, mix in sufficient quantity of goat milk or old ghee and boil to make a Lepa (poultice). it is to be applied while hot on the affected joint.

5. Visagarbha Taila: to be applied on the affected joint.


Rakta Sali (a red variety of rice), seeds of Kodrava (a type of cereal), Syamaka (a type of cereal), Yava (barley) and Kulattha (dolichos bean); warm water;Ardraka (ginger), bulb of Rasona (garlic), leaf and fruit of Paola (a variety of small cucumber), root of Punarnava (pigweed), leaves of Sigru (horse-radish) and Vastuka (a variety of chenopodium, white goose-foot) and fruit of Karavellaka (bitter gourd) are the useful articles of diet for the patient ofAmavata.


Guru, Abhisyandi Anna; seed of Masa (black phaseolus bean); milk, curd, Gua (jaggery); incompatible and unrelished foods, fish, excessive eating, nonpotable water; sitting up at night; suppression of calls of nature and exposure to eastern winds are harmful for the patient ofAmavata.