
Rheumatism - Gahiya

if child is unable to stand within the age of one year, he is likely to suffer from rickets. Delay in sitting up or standing, gastric disorders, cough and cold, sweating of the head; anterior fontanelle closes late; appearance of milk teeth; gaseous distension of abdomen; bowing of arms or legs; chest deformity are the general signs and symptoms of rickets (Phakka-Roga).

Simple Preparations

1. Ksira-Paka prepared from the equal part of roots of Rasna (indian groundsel), Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza), Punarnava (pigweed), Eraa (castor) and Ekapari-Banasai, fruits of MiSreya (fennel), Draksa (raisin) and Pilu and root bark of Trivrt (turpeth), to be taken twice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Laghu-Vasanta-Malati: it is to be taken with honey thrice a day.

2. Kacchapa-Prsa Bhasma: it is to be taken with honey thrice a day.

3. Karkaaka Bhasma: it is to be taken with honey thrice a day.

4. Pravala Pacamrta: it is to be taken with honey thrice a day.

5. Satavaryadi-Avaleha: it is to be taken with butter two or three times a day.

6. Pravala-Bhasma or Mukta-Sukti Bhasma: it is to be taken three times a day.

External Applications

Make Taila of roots of Rasna (indian groundsel), Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza), Punarnava (pigweed), Eraa (eastor) and Ekapari Banasai, fruits of MiSreya (fennel), Draksa (raisin or grape fruit) and Pilu and root bark of Trivrt and use for massage.