
Torticolis - Gardana Jakaana

Pothaki is a contagious disease chracterised by appearance of small and red coloured papules in the conjunctiva of the lid and accompanied by itching, pain and lacrimation.

Single Drugs

1. 1 to 2 g. powdered seed of Brhad-Ela (larger cardamom), to be taken with 5 to 10 g. Sarkara (raw sugar) thrice a day.

External Applications

1. Foment the eyes with the decoction of bark of Khadira (khair) and seeds ofAhaki (pigeon pea) and Sigru (horse radish), after the eyes have been washed with tepid warm water.

2. Foment the eyes with the decoction of rhizome of Haridra (turmeric) and roots of Daruharidra (barberry) and Yasimadhu (glycyrrhiza) mixed with honey.

3. Apply an Ajana of seed of Cakramarda (foetid cassia) at bed time.

4. Apply an Ajana of Laghu Haritaki (smaller variety of chebulic myrobalan) with honey at bed time.