
Constipation - Kabja

1. "Grand Mal" or Generalized tonic-clonic Unconsciousness, convulsions, muscle rigidity
2. Absence Brief loss of consciousness
3. Myoclonic Sporadic (isolated), jerking movements
4. Clonic Repetitive, jerking movements

Compound Preparations

1. Sarpagandha-Ghana Vai: 1 to 2 Vai to be taken with ASvagandha Ghrta- 6 to 12 g. three times a day.

2. Ksirabala Taila: 12 to 24 g. to be taken with 100 to 250 ml. milk thrice a day.


Puraa Sali (old rice), Godhuma (wheat), seeds of Masa (black phaseolus bean), Kulattha (dolichos bean); leaves and fruit of Sigru (horse-radish), fruit of Vartaka (brinjal), fruit of Daima (pomegranate), ripe fruits of Tala (palm) andAmra (mango); fruits of Jambira (lemon), Draksa (raisin or grape fruit) and Naranga (orange); flower of Madhuka (mahuva), fruits of Badara (jujube) and Cica (tamarind); Narikela Jala (coconut water), leaves of Tambula (betel); Gomutra (cows urine); poultice, nasal drops and sleeping on the flat floor; bacon, partridge meat are the useful articles of diet for the patients of Vatavyadhi.


Seeds of Yava (barley), Satina (pea) Kodrava (a variety of millet); fruit of Karavellaka (bitter gourd); stalk and root of Kamala (lotus), seed of Snuhi (milk) hedge), fruit of Udumbara (gular-fig), green fruit of Tala (palm), Puga (areca nut), fruit of Jambu (jamun), KaSeruka, Saka, cold water, Suska Masa (lean and dry meat) are harmful for the patients of Vata Vyadhi. Riding, laziness, sitting up at night, anger, fast, bath and grinding of teeth should be avoided.