
Dry cough - Sukhi Khasi

Watery diarrhoea with blood or pus in it
Nausea or vomiting
Stomach pain
High temperature
Bleeding from back passage (rectum)
Weight loss
Loss of appetite.

Treatment Single Drugs

Fruit pulp of Bilva (bael) 3 g., to be taken with Gua (jaggery) three times a day.

1. Seed of isadgol (plantago) 3 g., to be taken with water three times a day.

Simple Preparations

1. Mocarasa (silk cotton tree resin) 5 to 15 g., to be taken with 1 g. powder each of bark of Daima (pomegranate) and fruit of Jiraka (cumin), twice or thrice a day before or after meal with water.

2. Fruit pulp of Bilva (bael) 3 g. and seed of Krsa Tila (black sesame) 2 g., to be ground together with cream or curd and to be taken twice or thrice a day.

3. Take fruit pulp of Bilva (bael), 1 year old Gua (jaggery), Tila Taila (gingelly oil), Lodhra and fruit of Marica (black pepper) in equal parts, mix together and take it in the dose of 3 to 6 g. twice a day.

4. Powder of equal parts of Jatiphala (macenut), Lavanga (clove), fruit of Jiraka (cumin) and Suddha ankaa (purified borax), to be taken in 1 g. dose with honey or Sarkara (raw sugar) thrice a ay.

5. Seeds of isadgola (plantago) 3 to 6 g. is to be taken with half fried Sarkara (raw sugar) twice in a day. The preparation is specially useful in Raktaja Pravahika. 6. Take powder isadgola (plantago), fruit pulp of Bilva (bael), fruit of MiSreya (fennel) and Sarkara (raw sugar) in equal parts. its 3 to 6 g. is to be taken with Takra (butter milk) twice or thrice a day.

7. Ksirapaka prepared from 4 g. root of Pippali (long pepper) or Marica (black pepper), to be taken after adding 2 g. of Sarkara (raw sugar) and 100 to 250 ml. of goats milk.

Compound Preparations

1. Bilvadi Cura: 2 to 6 g., to be taken with Takra (butter milk) 50 to 100 ml. twice a day.

2. Satapuspadi Cura: 2 to 6 g., to be taken with Takra (butter milk) twice a day.

3. Catusasiprahari Pippali: 120 to 250 mg., to be taken with honey 4 to 6 g. twice or thrice a day.

4. Kuajavaleha: 12 to 24 g., to be taken twice a day.

5. Kuajarisa: 14 to 28 ml., to be taken with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal.

6. Laghu Gangadhara Cura: 1 to 3 g., to be taken three times a day with water.

7. Kuajaghana Vai: 2 to 4 Vai, to be taken with Takra or water 100 to 250 ml. twice or thrice a day before meal.


Puraa Sali (old rice), Lajamaa (gruel prepared from pop of paddy), soup prepared from Mudga (phaseolus bean) or Masura (lentil); milk, butter from goats or cows milk;Ardraka (ginger), Suhi (dried ginger), leaves of Cangeri (wood sorrel), fruits of Jambu (jamun), Daima (pomegranate) and Bilva (bael), flower and fruit of banana are useful for the patient of Atisara.


The use of uncherished food (Asatmya Bhojana), spicy and acidic food, intake of incompatible articles of food (ViruddhaAhara), Usa and Guru Dravya; products of sugarcane, Godhuma (wheat), Masa (black phaseolus bean), Yava (barley), Vastuka Patra Saka (leaf of a variety of chenopodium) should be avoided.

Excessive water intake and bath, awaking late in the night, irregular hours of sleep may also be avoided.