
Pain due to indigestion - Ajira Sula

Due to retention of flatus and faeces, pricky pain occurs in the abdomen particularly around the umbilicus and flanks. The patient has symptoms like, loss of appetite, constipation, rumbling noises in the intestine, distension of abdomen, vomiting, thirst and burning sensation.

Simple Preparations

1. Powder of equal part of Suhi (dried ginger), Saindhava (rock-salt), seed of Ela (cardamom), Bharangi and Ghrta Bhrsa Hingu, to be taken with water three times a day.

Compound Preparations

1. DaSamula-Kvatha: it is to be taken with Eraa Taila (castor oil) three times a day.

External Applications

1. Hot water fomentation of abdomen with water bag.

2. Turpentine stoop of abdomen.

3. Lepa (poultice) of Hingu (asafoetida) around the umbilicus.

4. Lepa (plaster) of Hingu (asafoetida) prepared in the decoction of Parpaaka to be applied on the abdomen three times in a day.