
Vomiting - Uli, Kai

Extreme and constant itching.
A burning sensation in the vulvar area.
Vaginal discharge.
Small cracks on the skin of the vulva.
Redness and swelling on the vulva and labia (lips of the vagina)
Blisters on the vulva.
Scaly, thick whitish patches on the vulva.

Single Drugs

1. Powder (Raja) of Kampillaka (kamala)-1 to 3 g. to be taken with 5 to 10 g. Gua (jaggery) twice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Pusyanuga Cura: 3 to 6 g. to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

2. Triphala Cura: 1 to 3 g. to be taken with Gomutra (cows urine) 7 to 14 ml. or with Suddha Silajatu-1 g., twice a day.

3. Abhayadi Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

4. Punarnavadi Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

5. Goksuradi Kvatha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

6. Candraprabha Vai: 2 to 4 Vai to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

7. Silajatvadi Vai: 1 to 2 Vai to be taken with 100 to 250 ml. milk twice a day.

8. Punarnavadi Guggulu: 2 to 4 Vai to be taken with 100 to 250 ml. milk twice a day.

External Applications

1. Take tepid decoction of Triphala or of Pacavalkala or Suddha Sphaika (alum)-200 mg. in 500 ml. water or Suddha ankaa (borax)-1 g. in 500 ml. water and douche the vagina.

2. Lepa of Gandhaka Malhara on the vulva.

3. Tampons (Picu) of Nimba Taila (neem oil) or Kasisadi Taila or Suska Muladya Taila or Punarnavadi Taila.