
Ear diseases - Kana Ke Roga

Loss of appetite. This may be apparent in young children, especially during bottle feedings. Pressure changes in the middle ear as the child swallows, causing more pain.
Poor sleep. Pain may be more persistent when lying down as fluid is shifting.
Fever. Ear infections can cause temperatures up to 104 degrees F.
Vertigo . You may have a sense of spinning.
Drainage from the ear. Yellow, brown, bloody, or white fluid that isn't earwax may seep from the ear, indicating the eardrum may have ruptured.
Difficulty hearing. Fluid build-up in the middle ear prevents the eardrum from functioning properly. The sound is then unable to be transmitted to the bones of the middle ear and from there to the brain.
Otitis media with effusion. Symptoms of acute otitis media will disappear, but the fluid, which is called an effusion, may remain. Trapped fluid causes temporary and mild hearing loss.

Drops for the Ear

1. Fresh Gomutra (cows urine) 2 to 4 drops, to be instilled in the affected ear twice a day.

2. Fresh juice (Svarasa) ofArdraka (ginger), to be warmed and instilled 2 to 4 drops in the ear twice a day.

3. Juice (Svarasa) obtained from the seed of Sigru (horse-radish), to be warmed and instilled 2 to 4 drops in the ear twice a day.

4. Fresh juice of rhizome of Mulaka (radish), to be warmed and instilled 2 to 4 drops in the ear twice a day.

5. Warmed fresh juice (Svarasa) obtained from the stem of Kadali (plantain) -2 to 4 drops, to be instilled in the ear, twice a day.

6. Warmed juice (Svarasa) of bulb of Rasona (garlic) to be instilled 2 to 4 drops in the ear, twice in a day.

7. Warmed juice (Svarasa) of Cukra (wood sorrel) 2 to 4 drops, to be instilled in the ear daily.

8. Warmed juice (Svarasa) obtained from the leaf of SudarSana 2 to 4 drops to be instilled in the ear twice a day.

9. Take fresh juice ofArdraka (ginger) 4ml., honey 2 g., Saindhava (rock-salt) 2 g. and Tila Taila (gingelly oil) 2 ml., warm it and instill 2 to 4 drops in the affected ear twice a day.

10. Prepare the juice (Svarasa) of Snuhi (milk hedge) by roasting it in a hot cinder and instill 2 to 4 drops in the affected ear, twice a day.

11. Oil prepared from the juice obtained from the bark of Sigru (horse-radish) 4 parts in Sarsapa Taila (mustard oil)-1 part by Taila Paka method is to be instilled 2 to 4 drops in the affected ear twice a day.

12. Take juice (Svarasa) of fruit of Kapittha (Wood aple),Ardraka (ginger) and Bijapura (a lemon), warm and instill its 2 to 4 drops in the affected ear twice a day.

13. Take Saralakasha Taila (turpentine oil) 1 part and Sarsapa Taila (mustard oil) 3 parts and instill its 2 to 4 drops in the ear twice a day.

14. Apply 120 to 250 mg. of Samudraphena followed by 2 to 4 drops of juice of Nimbu (lemon) and ear to be douched with the decoction of Triphala next morning.

15. Make Kalka (paste) from the barks of Vaa (banyan), Plaksa and Parasapipala and prepare Siddha Ghrta from it. its 2 to 4 drops to be instilled in the ear twice a day.

16. Paint Ghrta on the leaf of Arka, warm over fire and get Svarasa (juice). its 2 to 4 drops to be instilled in the ear twice in a day.

17. Take tender bulb of Rasona (garlic),Ardraka (ginger), seed of Sigru (horse radish), Mulaka (radish), and fruit of Kadali (banana), get Svarasa (juice) and warm. its 2 to 4 drops to be instilled in the affected ear twice in a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Bilva Tail: instil 2 to 4 drops in the affected ear twice a day.

2. Hingutrigua Tail: instil 2 to 4 drops in the ear twice a day.

3. Kara Bindu Tail: instil 2 to 4 drops in the affected ear twice a day.

Local Applications

Concentrate milk to solid consistency, make a Poalika (bag) and foment the ear.